It's raining outside and I couldn't help but remember the flood caused by Ondoy. I woke up at 3pm Manila time fixed myself a typical Filipino breakfast comprising of an egg fried sunny side up medium raw, rice and tuyo (dried fish or sardinas secas). I'm still trying to rebound from my disappointment last night. I was hoping at least an interview from one of my candidacies but alas I found none.
On the bright side I did manage to browse though the community forum . To everyone I apologize having posted such a question when it's already on the FAQ. MY exact post was:
"How long does it take for a total newbie like me to get a job? I initially signed up with Odesk several months back but didn't actively look for jobs. Recently however I've been out of a job. I'm getting frustrated trying to get a buyer. I know that I am a total newbie at this so to earn trust I even offered this particular buyer to transcribe a 5-10 page handwritten PDF document for FREE, but my offer was declined. I'm really doing everything I can to build my credibility. I Even posted a Brainbench cert for Adobe InDesign (I do Photoshop but its wasn't free) and even started posting on Blogger to try and generate interest.
I was offered a warm reply which gave me a gleam of hope who happened to be a fellow Alumnus. Her reply:Hi Jake,
Really sorry to hear that you've been having difficulty. If it is any consolation I think I get an offer once every 7 applications and I've already filtered those! What are you really good at and passionate about? Merge those with jobs that are abundant in that area and relatively low priced. Those are usually simple projects that are usually given to newbies. Take what I did at the start. I was an English teacher for 8 years then a training supervisor for an American company for 2 and a half years. I knew I could write articles but had no odesk experience in that area. So I started with copy writing. It was a downgrade of sorts but I was a newbie with no feedback so it was worth a shot. I was able to secure one project and things got better although not as fast as one would expect. Also and this is very important, start with fixed projects. Since you don't have hourly project experience buyers will usually by-pass you for others who've already worked hourly projects. Hope the tips help. - triciapascual
What does one say to someone who's been so kind? I have no idea if my thank you note was appropriate:
I thank you for your sympathy Tricia. It really is kinda hard to plaster your profile for the world to see hoping that it's worth something only to realize that no one was willing to pay a dime. I guess it's just that I'm not used to getting rejected this this. It had high hopes when I started looking for a project. I guess I'm gonna have to take an 8-5 job while trying to build my rep, but I'm not gonna give up the dream. I just hope I live long enough to see it cause this is really so damn depressing.
Once more Trish thank you for your words.
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