I woke up at 2pm hungry and I couldn't understand why cuase I did have a meal before I went to bed. After last night journal entry I realized that Odesk must have several bots data mining job postings and then reposting these jobs to the higher bidder or worse yet there must be an operator or several operator harvesting jobs information and possible candidates. I went outside to go grab breakfast and my eyes were hurting because of the sun. It's a beautiful afternoon, the sun was up and everything.. it's just that my eyes were accustomed to the dark. I dad a cup of rice and "sinigang na baboy" at the corner carienderia. The diner's owner asked me if my bike was stolen. Hello, my Yamaha mio was stolen three months ago and told him that yes I was still waiting for the insurance to cough up the money so I can buy a new one. Well, actually I think I'd get a used bike instead lest it gets stolen again.
My last job posting last night before chatting with Edwin was to do surveys. I really am hoping to get this job. It pays $5 an hour. I'm sure I am qualified for the job. I just know I am far more than qualified for the job. I JUST wish they'd read my God Damned resume. Sigh, it's a Friday night right now in the US whoever posted will hopefully reply by Monday.
I problems booting my pc a earlier and just couldn't get online. It was good thing I had two operating systems running on separate hard disks. I basically booted the BIOS and switched to Vista. I then did a hard reset on my DSL modem and finally got online. I stepped outside the house to a breather. I Was anxious about the job application and I really am worried if I can make this work. I browsed over other providers and realized that there really were a lot of competent people out of work. I had no reason to be mad at the Odesk website. It's a tool I just had to learn to learn the ropes. I was just curious though, there was this candidate who claimed to worked for Linksys as a supervisor and I looked over her Odesk test results. I don't mean to be mean or anything, but I never really bothered to work as a supervisor but my test scores was head and shoulders over this supervisor. Sigh…
When Edwin logged on Yahoo messenger I promptly told him that I already hooked up Skype. The voice quality better than GIZMO project. Edwin, my long time friend, was the section chief of The Medical City in Ortigas who opted to work as a researcher for a Laboratory in Japan. He was bragged about a pair of Kenwood speakers he bought at a bazaar a couple of days ago and I told him about the 32" LCD TV I got . I think he's doin really good although he still needs to get used to the cold.
I checked Odesk for a reply still no luck. On face book though I was pleasantly surprised that Alex also added himself as an Odesk fan. Hmmm I didn't realize that some people were really curious about me. Mommy Cel said she looked over the pictures I posted about the Ondoy floods in Sampaloc and how her car just floated. What really interests me now though was Joy. Joy said she "just wanted the hurting to stop". Joy used to be my office mate for this American Credit and Charge card company. Yeah she openly admits she's gay. We had a crush on the same communication trainer. I couldn't help but wonder why she was hurtin. A couple of days before she posted a quote from Paulo Coelho "A no with pain is better than a yes with regrets" and Nikki commented "You nailed it"…. OMG!!! What is going on here.
Anyway better get back to trying to figure out why I couldn't boot my XP machine and then tidy up. … Sigh, it's Saturday and all my friends are either overseas or married with kids.